REVIEW EDITOR: I want you to know that the October issue is for superior to preceding issues. I am married, have children, an adoring and beautiful wife, yet am one who leads the double life that is all too common. ...Am plagued with fears of detection because of business, friends etc., yet keep searching. ...As a result I find the REVIEW like a friend, company to me in this problem with society as a whole. I shall look forward to future issues. Mr. C.M., Pennsylvania.
REVIEW EDITOR: Dr. Bowman (see article p. 31) put the legislators on a spot with their own hostilities deriving from their own latent homosexuality, in doing nothing or opposing legal reforms. But, as usual, I do not think that legalizing homosexual. ity, will help the homosexual much, if any. His faults in mistreating his own kind are mostly responsible for his loneliness and unhappiness. His promiscuity and lack of regard for those he has enjoyed relations with, even if satisfactory to all concerned really stand out as a blight on his happi. ness. -Dr. K.M., California.
REVIEW EDITOR: I note that the address of SEX & CENSORSHIP magazine is the same as that of the Mattachine Society in Son Francisco. Is there a connection be tween them? -Mr. C.H., Missouri.
NEUE RING, VRIENDSCHAP or ARCADIE. Don't they have such publications in Sweden and Norway? I know they have some liberal views. Is there any way one can write to them directly? Perhaps you can tell me what are International Reply Coupons and how one may obtain them.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The REVIEW is unable to supply copies of most foreign publi. cations (listed elsewhere in this issue), except the now monthly ICSE Newsletter (published in English, $10 per year). How. over readers may obtain sample copies of these magazines by sending 7 Intemational Reply Coupons to the addresses listed. These Coupons are obtainable at U.S. postoffices in 8 denominations. One Scandinovian magazine is published, in Danish, to serve Denmark, Sweden and Norway where the "Forbundet of 1948" organixation is located. The magazine is called The address Is Postbox PAN. 1023, Kovenhavn K, Denmark.
REVIEW EDITOR: With some statements in the Sept. Review | certainly disagree: "... it nevertheless declares that the concept of homosexuality as a disease is unacceptable." Viewed from the criteria of the homosexual's long-range happiness with society and himself, It seems homosexuality in the majority of cases is o problem to the individual even when accepted by friends. At any rate, the word "problem" appears often enough... .......I disagree with points 4,5 and 6 by Mr. Leroy, some comments by Mr. DeWees, etc. ...(But) because I see the REVIEW as on honest attempt at freedom of expression useful in my better understanding of the problem of sexual deviation, rather than propaganda designed to mislead, please
EDITOR'S NOTE: Offices of SEX & CENSORSHIP are located on the 4th floor of the same building in which the Mattachine Society and the REVIEW are located. Our offices are on 3rd. Mid-Tower Publishing Corp., publishers of S&C, is in no way connected with Mattachine. However, S&C is available through the REVIEW, of 50 per copy, or by subscription, $6 for 12 bi• monthly issues. This new magazine is find enclosed a check for subscription to chiefly concerned with maintaining the the right of Individuals to read, particularly about matters and problems in the sex sphere which have so long been the object of censors.
REVIEW EDITOR: I would like sample copies of foreign magazines like DER 30
REVIEW and THE Mr. R.S., Massachusetts.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The Society and the REVIEW use the term "disease" in the commonly accepted usage (definition 2 in Webster) and not In the archale sense of definition 1.
mattachine REVIEW
Ease Up Sex Laws, Urges
Dr. Bowman
An internationally known San Francisco psychia trist yesterday asked the California Legislature to throw sex crimes out of the lawbooks-except crimes of violence and those against young children.
Dr Karl M. Bowman said he believed anv sex act-including overt homosexuality-carried out between two willing adults in private" should not rank as a criminal offense.
As if to make certain he would not be misunderstood Dr. Bowman said he advocated translating into United States law the sex provisions of the European Code Na poleon.
The Code Napoleon body of civil law promulgated by Napoleon in 1804-provides. Dr Bowman said. "that any sexual act carried out by two consenting adults which does not result in physical harm and does not offend public decency is not consid-
ered a crime
Dr Bowman was medical superintendent of the Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute from 1941 until he retired in 1956 He gave his views to a visibly stunned audience of professional and business people at a weekly Commonwealth Club luncheon at the Sheraton-Palace. DISAPPROVAL
"However, I don't want people walking out of here saying Dr Bowman approves homosexuality. I am not ar guing with you that it is to be approved. I am arguing it is not a crime You should draw